It is a Mighty Cold day here in Houston Texas! I have to say I had to pull out my Maryland Bin which didn't have very much in it just a few scarves and gloves which will do. Cullan is bundled up in about 3 layers and the thickest socks i could find ready to go off to daycare.

Cullan Loves tub time. That has Never changed. So now when he is ready he pulls the drain and sits while the water runs out. last night he decided he was going to lay down after the water drained all the way down. So... Here he is in his sleeping position. Cullan sleeps like a frog, knees tucked up underneath him and his arms tucked underneath him. Butt in the air laying on his face. So See picture below of Cullan taking a rest in the tub. We were both laughing hysterically!

I had to post this picture because since moving to Houston i work on redecorating from time to time. I have been adding and updating our decor since we have a new couch and new futon cover and curtains. Really loving the blue and browns. Well i stumbled on the perfect pillow for the futon so here is a picture of Cullan sitting on my new pillow. Him and Maddie both wont get off of it which I am the type of person to buy things that can be "lived on" but they both just have to sit on it!!!!

This is the first time Cullan has actually posed for a picture! I had the camera and he sat down and smiled waiting for me to take his picture.

I cant talk on the phone to anyone without being followed by Cullan saying "dadadada Dadadadadadada dada dada dadadada da" Over and over until i hand him the phone and he gets to say "Hi". He loves to skype with Daddy and sometimes he just laughs and babbles telling such stories to Chris on the phone. Other times he just wants to push buttons! Chris is doing well. It is pretty cold over there and lots of rain today. He is looking forward to his next R&R. I know how hard it is to watch Cullan through Skype and video but he wakes up to a cute picture with a funny story attached on his email most every day. When he comes home in march we are looking forward to our Friends Mark and Mckinney Wedding which I am a bridesmaid in. We will take Cullan out the the Livestock show at the Rodeo and then Chris and I are going to see Lady Antebellum at the Rodeo. We will be ending the Month with a 3 day trip to St. Thomas just my Hubby and me for our 3rd Anniversary.
OMG!! That is exactly how Ava sleeps too! Always has and still does! It is sooooo cute how they do that! Ava loves bath time too!