Sunday Grandpat and Nene came out to have lunch with us. Thank you Grandpat for putting together Cullan's new car that he got as his second place prize. Of Course he had to help :)

Trust Falling on Maddie! He falls backwards and gets kisses from her

And Tries to share his bottle with her

This is what goes on while i get ready for work. Cullan runs around with his bottle and climes in the big bed

Ready to go to Vanessa's!!! He is So happy at his new daycare. I am sure he misses Lisa but I am glad he is doing so well. He claps and runs up to her door in the morning. Makes my days better knowing he is loved and happy playing.
Chris comes home in T minus 16 Days!! He will be flying from Kabul to Dubai. Dubai to DC and then DC to Houston Getting in on the 19th at about 10:45 am!
Gotta love my Steeler Jersey