Friday we spent the day with Chance and Kim as we do most Friday's. I took Kim to Town Center in SugarLand for her Birthday lunch at a Mexican resturant and then we walked around and had pumpkin Spice Latte's. The boys are sitting at a table but it looks like they are at the bar.. lol

Cullan up in Mommy's bed playing with the remote...

He has 2 teeth now, the bottom 2.

I was getting ready and found him running around in his PJ pants carrying my coach purse and a tampon. I know his Daddy is gonna hate this picuture, too much time with Mommy.

My Little Longhorn

While we were playing with Chance and Kim Cullan started dancing to the backyardigans. Chance was clapping and putting his hands up in the air!! They are soo cute together. Cullan loves his Aunti Kim!
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