The Weather here in MD has been so up and down. Notice here Cullan is wearing a Sweat suite outfit!! Later he is in shorts. Thank goodness it has not been too hot because our AC has been broken 3 weeks but i threatened them and looks like our new unit should be in today. This weekend we even managed to get cleaning done in our hot sticky apartment. We also went to Chris' playoff soccer game which they lost but Chris made a few great saves during the second half when he was Goalie.

Friday Patrick/Grandpat was in town and we all went to dinner. It was mid 70s and Sunny so we went to one of our Favorite Restaurants to sit out on the deck.

This pic of Cullan talking and Chris looking at his boy is the Cutest Pic!!

I cant believe he is already sitting in High chairs.. He is growing up so fast

Cullan is pulling up on everything.. He doesnt like when he is not on the same side of the gate as you are.

Saturday our Friend Julie had a Graduation Party.. She graduated from Dental School so is now Dr. Julie :) Cullan had so much fun at her party and we acutally stayed a lot longer than we thought we would. We are going to miss Dave and Julie (Dave is pictured below)

Chris finally took us to Charm City Cakes where "Ace of Cakes" is filmed. It looked like no body was there but the windows were all coverd and you could not even see inside.
LOVE love LOVE the picture of Cullan talking and Daddy looking on! So sweet! You look fabulous!