Chris and I married April 12, 2008. Cullan Ryan Thesing was born on September 7, 2009 (Labor Day). We are extremly blessed and are looking forward to sharing in our new journey together as parents.
Friday Chris ended up having a half day. Cullan and I loaded up and drove to Krista's house then went to meet him in DC with Krista and Rhonda. We went to the WW2memorial and walked around to the Monument. The Tulips were beautiful but Cherry blossoms bloomed early this year and were already gone. We also saw Marine One helicopters bringing in Obama while we were there! it was Absolutely Amazing watching them come in and land. They flew into DC in a group of 3 and then the first one went to land, but veared off while the second one actually came in to land. The video is of the one that actually landed at the white house leaving.
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