They called for us to get hit with another snow storm but it is all rain and only a few flurries, Thank goodness. Good news is the rain is washing away the mounds of snow and we can finally see grass again. Yesterday my new coffee table ottoman came and I love it! So much more space and it will be great for Cullan. The glass top table was so big and NOT kid friendly. Yesterday was doctor visit number 3 for RSV. He is down to 3 times a day on the inhaler and off the steroids, but now on Antibiotics for a mild ear infection. We go back next Tuesday for hopefully his final visit for the RSV. His 6 month check up has been pushed back 2 weeks because the doctor wont give him his shots on top of how sick he has been. He is now weighing in at 16.5 pounds and 26 inches long.
P.S. Cullan LOVES LOVES the paper at the doctor. He was crinkling it and rolling in it an pulling on it. He has a big time :)
Love the top picture. Hope the little guy is feeling better soon!