Tuesday, October 13, 2009

First Trip to New York

This weekend was Cullan's First Trip. We went to New York for a close family friends wedding. The weekend was beautiful and the wedding was wonderful. Cullan was able to spend time with his Grandpat and Nene too. He did really well for his first time staying at a hotel and Cullan stayed with a sitter during the reception. I did really well and Chris and I stayed for 4 hours. I enjoyed my first time out but was excited to get back to my baby boy. Cullan was a hit at the wedding in his little fireman button up and pants :) He is such a handsome and good little boy, he didnt make a peep during the ceremony! We cant wait to take him on his next trip.


  1. Cullan is really growing. You all look great!

  2. He is getting so Big and So handsome!!!
    Look like it was a great time in New YOrk.
