Tuesday, August 31, 2010
My Precious Big Boy
This weekend with Cullan was wonderful. He is such a big boy Walking and this week marks his last week as a baby. My little boy is 1 year old a week from Today!!! I am so blessed to have a Healthy Happy Precious Son who has changed my life in so many wonderful ways. Dont get me wrong there are times i am tired and days that are hard but I wouldnt trade any of it. I cherish that I get to be with him so much and only work part time. My World is a better place because of my Son and My husband. I miss Chris Every day and I am so proud of him for taking this job to better the future of our family, Cullan and his career. I had to take a picture of Cullan grabbing my face. He grabs on to me and puts his forehead against mine. Did I mention how much I love my Son!!???
This week is also very special because my mom is marrying a Wonderful Man on Saturday. I couldnt be more happier that she and Larry found one another and we are all so excited for this weekend and all the wedding Festivities. Sunday we threw a Bachelorette brunch at Brennans Houston. The Fabulous Jazz Band is Pictured with all the Stewart Ladies.. Girls N Pearls was a Success!!!

Saturday Night Cullan and I went with friends Anna, Josh and Nene to a Child Advocates fundraising Event. Nene walked around with cullan and he flirted with a little girl in a flower hat and tried to go on stage with the band.
Saturday Afternoon we watched the Little League Championship (my cousin Price was second base on the Pearland team) at Mom and Larrys. They have a huge back yard so we took Cullan outside and he played. His new thing is talking on the phone. The funny thing is... Rarely is he holding a phone. So you say "hello" and he holds up a shoe, or lotion, or whatever is in his had to his ear. He is trying to call his Daddy :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Single Parenthood
Well.... Chris has been gone a month now to Kabul. I am adjusted to my new job 3 days a week and loving part time work. We fill our time with constant family and friend events. This month has been especially busy due to Wedding Events for my mom, planning the big First Birthday, Visiting with Uncle Daniel, Dinner with Family friends, Swim Parties, Bday Parties and Play dates with Kim and Chance. Daniel has been in town and we went over to the Roses house last week for a yummy dinner. Cullan loved spending time with Uncle Daniel and even played the Piano with him....
Friday night was my first night to ever have the whole night out since Cullan was born!!! It was my 10 year HS Reunion (I cant believe it). Cullan stayed with his Mimi and Papa Larry (Steffens or soon to be the Graham's). I had a really good time seeing all my old friends i use to go out with and of course the Cheerleaders. Only 2 couldn't make it so most of the First Colony middle School bobcats and Clements High Ranger Cheerleaders were there!!
Cullan is starting to realized that People food is more exciting than baby food so I made him his very first Pancakes. Put a little Sugar Free syrup on them and he loved loved loved the pancakes...
He was sooooo excited the whole time he ate them!!!
He ate and clapped and laughed....
It is getting hard to capture pictures of him walking around because he doesn't stay still long enough for me to catch him. Cullan and I grocery shop and clean and just have Mommy Cullan time on my 2 days off. We go to the pool or shop or watch Shrek and Veg.
On Sunday Cullan and I do something with Grandpat and Nene (Thesing). Sometimes we go over and get a home cooked meal which I really enjoy since we all know my cooking consists of Turkey Wraps, Sandwiches, Lean Cuisines and Chicken Salad. He plays and Grills with his Grandpat, gets in the middle of the dogs, eats veggies and has to have a bath before we go home. This is usually what he looks like after a good day of playing :)
Update on Chris... he was assigned his own Hooch!!! No more Roomie. He seems really excited to have the place to himself. he is keeping busy with work and hasn't called me to tell me of any major drama going on at the Embassy. I am trying to keep up the blog for him as well as everyone and get plenty of video.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Best Video Trio
Cullan took his very first steps Sunday. This is the tail end of him walking and he started to get tired. We went to Susie and Mike house to BBQ with friends and Family. Uncle Daniel is in town and took Cullan swimming
When i do P90X before cullan goes down to bedtime he has started to do it with me :)
Cullan's Very first trip to Lake Jacksonville he Loved driving the barge with Barry. This has been such a wonderful summer and cullan and i have surrounded ourselves with friends and family to keep busy. Chris is doing well in Kabul and enjoying his job. He says he is finally finding his way in this position but he works all the time. He doesnt get summer fun and weekends so we know he is missing so much being with all of us during this fun time. He has gotten to get out and have some drinks for his bday and they had a party for someone that was leaving. I am glad he has some fun times in the desert.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Little Moments
Cullan playing with a Toy Grill at our Friends house. he is Standing by himself. Saturday was SO much fun at Mom's Wedding shower, then we stayed for a Pool party. Cullan is Now 11 months old.

Monday, August 2, 2010
Cullan's First Trip to Lake Jacksonville

Mom and I took cullan to the Lake house for his very first trip. I spent every summer since I was born at the lake with the Bingham and some now know as Durham Family. Brook and I have dreamed about the day we would be sitting on the pier watching our children play and the day finally came. We all had a great time. I picked a few of my Favorite Pictures to post.
Cant wait for Next Summer :)
I also have 2 videos to follow...
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