Maddie is Finally warming up to Cullan. She doesnt tolerate him for too long, but will come up to him and smell him and let you sit next to her for a minute. When he is in his swing she even looks in on him from time to time. Everything is defiantly an adjustment. I want to run to Starbucks to get coffee but know that I have to load up the baby and unload him in the car just to drive through. I think the hardest part is that I had surgery, because it is hard for me to carry his car seat and pull it in and out of the car. Yesterday we went to the eye specialist and Cullan does have microscopic cysts on his Iris. The doctor assured us this is Nothing to worry about and wont affect his vision in the future. She said in all cases they clear up on their own in the first year. His eyes look perfectly normal for his age and we will just monitor the Cysts to be sure. He goes back in Jan and hopefully they will be smaller or even undetectable. Chris hurt his foot playing soccer Sunday so we are just a pitiful family this week! He is limping, Cullan is going to doctors and I am still having some pain. It comes and goes and I am just trying not to push it while my incision is still healing.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
My Two Babies
Maddie is Finally warming up to Cullan. She doesnt tolerate him for too long, but will come up to him and smell him and let you sit next to her for a minute. When he is in his swing she even looks in on him from time to time. Everything is defiantly an adjustment. I want to run to Starbucks to get coffee but know that I have to load up the baby and unload him in the car just to drive through. I think the hardest part is that I had surgery, because it is hard for me to carry his car seat and pull it in and out of the car. Yesterday we went to the eye specialist and Cullan does have microscopic cysts on his Iris. The doctor assured us this is Nothing to worry about and wont affect his vision in the future. She said in all cases they clear up on their own in the first year. His eyes look perfectly normal for his age and we will just monitor the Cysts to be sure. He goes back in Jan and hopefully they will be smaller or even undetectable. Chris hurt his foot playing soccer Sunday so we are just a pitiful family this week! He is limping, Cullan is going to doctors and I am still having some pain. It comes and goes and I am just trying not to push it while my incision is still healing.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
2 Weeks Old
Cullan is doing well and is getting bigger everyday. Evenings are a challenge because he gets pretty fussy between 5pm and bedtime. Chris takes the first night shift and gives him a bottle around midnight and I then take the 4am shift. Considering he was up every 2 hours and awake in the night We think he is doing pretty well. He is lifting and holding his head on his own some, and pushes up when he is on his tummy. He is such a strong boy! I tried to get a few more videos of him this week and one is Cullan helping his daddy cook dinner.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Weekend with Grandpat and Nene
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Such a Sweet Boy!
We are enjoying visiting with Cullan's Grandpat and Nene this week. I am finally getting out of the house a little starting this evening. We are going to go have a quick dinner tonight and Chris is off tomorrow so we may go over to the park to walk if the afternoon is nice. I cherish every minute with my baby boy and Chris and I couldn't be happier. I am a bit tired from time to time and being the one to get up for every feeding gets hard, but so far I am hanging in there. I was so afraid of breast feeding but it really is going well. We went to the pediatrician and Cullan is doing well. He is a healthy little boy and returns for his shots on Tuesday. Sunday Cullan and I will go watch Chris play soccer.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Cullan's Weekend
It has been so Wonderful having his Mimi here to help. We are starting to get him into a routine and it is a work in progress. Over the weekend we had lots of visitors, watched Football all weekend and changed outfits about 4 times. Cullan had a few pee pee accidents so all our onsies are coming in very handy. We go to our first peditrician visit in the morning. Mom and I are going since Chris is returning to work and she has to drive. I am not allowed to drive for a whole other week or so. I am recovering nicley but still have a good amount of pain.
Cullan Also met Maddie Saturday. She is doing fine but wants nothing to do with him and is pretty afraid to go anywhere near him. LOL My poor baby girl has just been pitiful all weekend.
Friday, September 11, 2009
My Little Angel
Cullan had a rough night last night and did not sleep much. He has had a much better morning and is now out cold. I gave him his very first sponge bath and hair wash. Being a Mom is the most wonderful blessing imaginable. I am able to move around more today and go up and down the stairs. I must say my labor experience was extremely unpleasant, not that anyone has a great experience I am sure!! In the 12th hour of Labor my epidural wore off in the middle of a shift change and I found myself cussing and screaming for the doctor. At the same time my body began pushing and my doctor could not be found. I had the most wonderful nurse who stood by my side through it all and did everything she could for me. About 5 mins after I had drugs again my doctor came in and the complications began. Only the right side of my cervix was 9 centimeters dilated, the left side was only at a 6. So, my body wanted to push but Cullan was stuck in my pelvis on one side and his heart rate was spiking to 200. Then I spiked over a 101 Fever and the Doc said "That is It, time for a C Section". Now that I am home I am able to start caring for him more and not constantly having to be cared for. I absolutely love my precious Angel and Cant wait for everyone to meet him.
Here are pictures from Day 2 at home including his first sponge bath and sleeping like an angel.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Cullan Ryan Thesing has arrived
It has been a long couple of days, but Cullan has arrived. He was delivered by c-section on September 7, 2009 at 7:26pm. He is a robust 8lbs 9oz and 21.14 inches long. Mom and baby are doing wonderful. I nearly wore a hole in the floor waiting the 2 minutes to go into the operating room for the delivery, but have relaxed now. I am enjoying spending time with my boy, and helping Jen recover. We will try to talk to everyone soon.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Cullan will be here Labor Day!
After a long doctors appointment there is finally light at the end of this tunnel. Cullan will be here by Labor Day! I go into the Hospital Sunday night at 9pm to be prepped and begin the induction process. Monday morning at 5am they will induce me. Today Cullan weighed in at 8 pounds 12 ounces (OMG)!! I am very excited because if he doesn't come on his own before then the process will begin in just 3 days. My mom is flying in around 2:30 on Sunday and will be able to be here for the whole process and then the Thesing's will be coming to town a week and a half later. This time next week my blog will be full of pictures of my new baby boy. :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Overdue Baby!!
This coming Thursday is official decision time... I am still 1 centimeter dilated and therefore not a candidate for induction yet. They wont run the risk of inducing when the cervix is not ready. So, I go in thursday to get monitored, then sonogram and progression check. IF my cervix is ready they will induce me on Friday and if not we wait until I hit 41 weeks which is Sunday. Here is where it gets tricky... Since this is Labor day weekend, They cant post me to go into the hospital until Monday night. So come hell or high water Cullan will be here on Tuesday next week no matter what. This type of induction uses a balloon to force your cervix open. It really does not sound like fun and the doctors are hoping Cullan will decide to come on his own sometime this week. You just never know. But, like i said, wost case scenario he will be here by Tuesday. I am really struggling at this point in my pregnancy and I am just ready to be a Mom and meet my son. I am suffering from migraine headaches and a severe amount of back and leg pain. Luckily most of my pregnancy was a breeze. I will post more info at the end of the week :)
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